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What do Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 mean? Which one is better?

​In the blockchain world, you must have heard about “Web 2.0” and “Web 3.0” frequently.But what do Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 mean? Which one is better? For us to make any sense of what we mean by “Web 3.0”, we need to rewind to Web 1.0 and start there.

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A life changing journey that I never saw coming my way

I have put in countless hours into this so far, dedicating every day to practice with the hope of progressing just a bit further. And yet, I still feel like my journey has only just begun.

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Learning functional programming made me a 10x better developer

Functional programming is one of the most powerful ways to learn how to write clean and scalable code. I truly believe every software developer could benefit with a little bit of foundational knowledge in functional programming.

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How do you stay motivated?

Every day, tons of people out there are struggling with motivation - or rather, the lack of motivation. They have a deep desire to do more and be better but they simply lack the motivation to do so. As a result, they end up living mediocre lives...

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Is the world flat?

Is Earth really round? Maybe we’re actually living on a pancake-shaped planet? Or perhaps it resembles a triangular prism? These questions form the basis of a debate that has raged on for centuries. Many ancient civilizations subscribed to the belief that Earth is flat.

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How do you win a Twitter debate?

Twitter debates are a lot like Game of Thrones — except they’re even more vicious. And there’s no way to win. You honestly have better odds at winning the lottery, going to Mars, or walking on water. I could actually stop this blog post right here. But that would be an unsatisfying ending to this story, right?

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What programming language should I pick? Should I focus on front-end? Back-end?

Anyone who has embarked on this journey to learn how to code has came across this question. Your first thought might have been to google it. Next thing you know, you realize that the internet is filled with lots of good opinions. Too many good opinions.

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I’ve done programming tutorials. Now what?

So, you decided to learn to code and maybe went through a few online tutorials. You know a lot of different things — syntax, conditionals, classes, prototypes, etc.But what’s next? You actually want to build something, but it feels like you’re not able to put everything together. What do you do next?

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Should I go back to school to get a Computer Science degree?

Everyone’s circumstances are different— including timing, affordability, job obligations, family responsibilities, and so much more.Therefore, while I don’t have a silver bullet answer to this question, I’ll share how I evaluated this decision for myself.

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Injury is an opportunity

One way to look at injury is as “suffering physical harm or damage to a part of one’s body or mind.” Another way to look at injury is as “an opportunity to strengthen the parts of ourselves that are not injured”. We are always hurting in some regard, and approaching it as an opportunity can have a positive impact every day.

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Learning How to Learn: The most important developer skill

Being an efficient learner is at least as important as being an efficient coder. When you are a developer, your job requires you to learn every single day — in spite of the constant lure of distractions like Hacker News, Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. Long story short: learning is hard. Yet, we need to be able to learn quickly and effectively to thrive.

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How the Web Works Part III: HTTP & REST

We went over basic web architecture in part I, and we talked about web application structure in part II. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and tackle part III: a closer look at HTTP and REST.

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How the Web Works Part II: Client-Server Model & the Structure of a Web Application

In my previous post, we dived into how the web works on a basic level. For this post — part two of a three-part series — let’s double click on understanding how the client, server and other parts of a basic web application are actually configured to make your web browsing experience possible.

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How the Web Works: A Primer for Newcomers to Web Development (or anyone, really)

If you’re just getting into web development, chances are you think you know how the web works — at least on a basic level. But then you try to explain how a basic website works and draw a blank. What does an IP address mean again? How does the “client-server” model work, exactly?

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