Hey there!

I'm Preethi.

I have a passion for learning and teaching.

I am autodidact that also loves
to teach.

I realized at a young age that all “knowledge” was constructed by people no smarter than you or me. Taking it at face value never satisfied me. Instead, I always sought out to learn it from first principles. This in turn made me a really effective learner, writer, and teacher (all of which I believe are greatly intertwined).

That is how I was able to teach myself pretty much everything I know. Whether it’s math, physics, coding, crypto, or dance ;)

But one problem I see in the world is the dearth of great teachers. Most teachers teach from the perspective of someone who already has mastered that knowledge. There are very few people out there who can explain things with a beginner’s mindset.

That is why you will find that much of my writing (and now videos!) consist of me explaining things from the perspective of a beginner. I have mastered the art of learning and find joy in teaching what I learn in the best way possible. My goal is to empower you the knowledge and skills to be your greatest self.

Join my email list now to get started!

Read my Latest Stories

How does the NEW Ethereum work?

When Ethereum swapped out Proof-of-Work consensus with Proof-of-Stake, we called it "the Merge." Ever since, Ethereum hasn't needed miners to execute Proof-of-Work and add new blocks to the blockchain. Instead, it uses "validators," which are people who stake ETH to gain the right to validate and append new blocks to the blockchain.

What foods do I eat?

“What foods do you eat?” I’ve gotten this question many times from the women who follow me so I figured I would write a short post that explains what I eat and the context behind why I eat this way.

How do Rollups on Ethereum work?

“Blockchains don’t scale.” You’ve probably heard this a million times. A couple years ago, it felt like a real threat to the industry. How can we bank the unbanked if we can’t even process 15 transactions per second?But big problems fuel innovation. And blockchain scalability was a big problem. It quickly caught the attention of engineers and scientists, and, fast forward to today, we’re getting more and more confident that blockchains can scale.

How to build upgradeable contracts on Ethereum

Here’s something most new Web 3.0 developers have trouble understanding: when you ship code, it can’t be patched and updated later. This is a big departure from the iterative development method that we all know and love — where we break development into smaller parts and build it up over many iterations. By adding features one-by-one, we can improve app functionality over time — all while growing a user base. In Web 3.0, this just can’t be done. Blockchain changes everything — including the possibility for iterative development.