Have you ever tried to learn about cryptocurrency but felt utterly lost? You are not alone.
Unfortunately, sifting through all the noise takes way too long for the average person. The industry is full of complexity and toxicity. Unless you are willing to commit multiple hours a day to separate fact from fiction, it is impossible to get a clear picture of crypto.
This is why I’m launching an online course for newcomers who want a guided introduction to cryptocurrency. This course isn’t designed for “nerds” or those “in the know”, but for normal people seeking to satisfy their curiosity and understand what all the fuss is about.
I have been on the outside and I know how daunting it can be not knowing where to start. There’s a massive amount of information to learn and a plethora of things to do in the cryptocurrency field, but it is hard to find your way around without much structure or purpose.
It took years of wandering around in the cryptocurrency space before I figured out where I belong. If I’d had some sort of guidance or a structured process for learning, I would have gotten to where I am today much sooner.
You may be in the same spot I was in a couple of years ago, looking for ways to figure this thing out once and for all. I want to give you the same stepping stone into cryptocurrency that Coinbase gave me: a course that provides a structured, digestible intro to cryptocurrency that anyone can follow. Regardless of where you are on your crypto journey, I invite you to join the course.
If you are someone who is interested in cryptocurrency but:
Then this course is for you. It is designed for the busy person who has not been able to make cryptocurrency a priority for any or all of the reasons listed above but still has an interest in giving cryptocurrency a chance.
The only things you need are an internet connection, your phone or computer, and an email address. The rest is up to me!
No. This course is designed in such a way that even if you are not an engineer, you can still follow along. Having some technical background will help because it will allow you to grasp some concepts quick and allow you to go deeper, but it is NOT a prerequisite. You will still gain a strong foundational understanding so long as you are curious and willing to learn.
This will be 100% FREE, from my heart to yours :)
Whether you’re a total newcomer or a crypto insider looking to revisit the basics, this course is for you. There is no reason to continue wandering aimlessly around the crypto space.
I can’t wait to take you on this exciting journey. :)